Our children’s centers provide direct care for orphaned children, and our community initiatives address underlying issues that perpetuate the orphan crisis.
Who We Are
New Hope Uganda (NHU) is an organization dedicated to bringing the fatherhood of God to the fatherless through holistic Gospel transformation in communities.
Uganda’s continual killings and brutal civil war from 1981-1986 left thousands of children orphaned and hopeless. When the Dangers family arrived in Uganda shortly thereafter, the landscape was filled with darkness. Remnants of the war greeted them at every turn. Human skulls and personal stories of loss served as constant reminders of God’s calling to bring hope to the hopeless and the Fatherhood of God to the fatherless. After two years of trials and hard work, NHU welcomed its first 10 children. Since then, the ministry has grown into a work that is impacting thousands for Christ, through the three main sites and throughout its surrounding communities and the nation at large.
Today, we are a multi-cultural/multi-tribal team focused on bringing the Fatherhood of God and family to the fatherless. We are committed to addressing the root causes of fatherlessness in Uganda: from fallen-cultural worldviews and sinful practices to the breakdown of marriage, family, manhood and womanhood. We are a family that is centered around the true answer to the orphan-crisis of our day: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As a ministry, we are committed to promoting biblical manhood and womanhood, Christian education, God-centered self-sustainability, and supporting the central role and calling of the local church. By the grace of God, we are raising up a generation of men and women who stand for truth, defend and care for the fatherless and widow, and live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Uganda and around the world.