
Orphan Care

Since our humble beginnings with ten war orphans in 1988, New Hope has directly cared for thousands of orphaned children. Over the years we have introduced the children in our care to their Heavenly Father through the recreation of Biblical family.

The orphans-turned-sons-and-daughters at New Hope are not part of the problem in Uganda – they are part of the Father’s solution.

Always seeking to honor and equip biological families when possible, but ready to fill in where biological family is absent or unable to care, New Hope staff step in as fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, and mentors to the children. We prepare them for their future roles as godly fathers and mothers in their own families. We help inspire them to reach back in love to their biological families.

We train and educate them to be self-sufficient and productive citizens of the nation of Uganda and the Kingdom of their Father. They, in turn, will “bring the Fatherhood of God” to other fatherless Children.

At our centers, children receive home, family, food, Christian education, Biblical worldview training, health care, vocational training, and discipleship.


Community Development

Dealing with the orphan crisis is ultimately about societal change through the transformative power of the Gospel. That’s why our efforts reach far beyond simply caring for individual orphaned children.

New Hope is committed to seeing the Gospel penetrate the society around us. As people begin to live out Biblical principles in their lives the orphan crisis will come to an end. We reach out to our communities through a variety of development initiatives.



Since God designed the Church to be the primary agent of Gospel transformation in the world, New Hope Uganda is committed to planting churches wherever we are sent.

A network of independent churches has been established, with congregations at each of our main sites and several more planted in nearby communities.

To support the efforts toward Gospel Transformation, we have established the Institute for Gospel-Transformation and Musana Camps.



New Hope Uganda believes that true Education is not merely passing on knowledge or “know-how,” but imparting true wisdom through drawing individuals into a relationship with Jesus Christ, because all knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are hidden in Him.

True education instills in its learners the fear of God (which is the beginning of wisdom), and invites them into a personal knowledge of the Holy One (which is understanding).

True education forms values, beliefs, and culture.

The world of academia and the truths found in the Bible are not meant to be two separate spheres. Therefore, our classrooms, just like the rest of our programs, provide an opportunity to train and equip our children in Biblical truth and academic excellence.

We invest in children throughout their education, whether they live on site with us or walk to our schools each day. Hundreds of students are enrolled in our primary schools and secondary school.

Many of them go on to participate in our Investment Year program, a year of intensive discipleship and professional internship placements aimed at helping each student to discern their gifting and God’s call on their lives. Through our sponsorship program and scholarship fund, our students are then helped to go on to further training (university, trade schools, etc) in schools and universities across Uganda.