Our Ministries
“A Father to the fatherless… is God in His holy habitation. He sets the lonely in families.”
Psalm 68:5-6a
Uganda has a monumental orphan crisis. While many see the orphans as the problem, New Hope Uganda recognizes the deeply-rooted cultural sickness, and the orphan situation is a severe symptom.
What is this sickness? Simply put, it is a sin-ravaged culture where the Biblical design for family has been essentially destroyed. New Hope understands that societal transformation through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only solution to the problem of fatherlessness in Uganda and around the world.
Through our various initiatives, New Hope Uganda reaches orphaned, vulnerable, abandoned and special needs children and their communities with the Gospel of Jesus and the Fatherhood of God.
What we provide:
When we accept a child into our care, we give them everything they need to live a successful life. This includes:
- nutritious food
- clothing
- full service, on-site medical care
- high quality Christian education at our on-site schools
- a home with parents and siblings, if they are orphaned or vulnerable
- childcare extension teams that reach the community with parenting and healthcare assistance
- a daily glimpse of the Father’s heart and his design for faithful families
- daily prayer and devotionals
- weekly church services at our on-site church
- college preparation and the access to trade schools and internships
- college tuition support

Uganda’s population is almost 40 million, though it is approximately the size of Michigan

Uganda is the “youngest” country in the world, with 48% of its population under the age of 15.

Uganda has almost 3 million orphans, half of which are orphaned by HIV/AIDS.
Every day New Hope Uganda staff members love, teach, disciple, feed, clothe, and provide medical care for our sons and daughters. Financial sponsorship of children, staff, and programs is our primary means to fund these efforts. Most of our children have suffered multiple losses in their lives. We believe relational sponsorship is an opportunity for them to build meaningful, long-term, and healthy relationships. These relationships foster growth in healing transformation. We also recognize the great need for sponsors to pray for our children and staff individually. In addition to child sponsorship, sponsorship of our Ugandan staff helps to encourage and bless the laborers faithfully serving these children. Would you invest in a life by committing to prayer, provision, and relationship?