Family Groups

Currently, our onsite childcare program provides a God-centered family environment with 12 to 20 children gathered into one of our seven family units led by Ugandan parents. Each family provides not only stability of parental care, but also brothers and sisters who work together to farm between 3-5 acres to help provide for their needs and learn self-sustainability. Each evening children are shepherded in the Word of God and each day provided with Christian education. Our goal is to disciple and train children to be Christ-followers with Kingdom vision and values who will then be productive citizens of the nation of Uganda and stewards of the Gospel. One of our great joys is to see, in turn, our own children going on to “bring the Fatherhood of God” to other fatherless children, acting as part of the Father’s solution to the problem they know so well.
Sponsor a child from one of our family groups.