Godly Young Men

Before we met our 10 Kasana students, we used to say “we sponsor 5 younger kids and 5 older kids”. However, after meeting the 3 oldest, we can no longer call them “kids”….they are Godly young men who exhibit such Christ-like characteristics! Although I did nothing to raise them, I felt motherly pride at even being associated with such amazing young men! My heart swelled with pride as Kiweewa stood up front, interpreting the church service into Luganda and as Joshua slam-dunked the basketball and as Zziwa  showed us around the woodshop at the Vocational School.

My heart melted as I watched Joshua snuggle the babies at Hope House. My heart soared as I watched their 3 “older brothers” lovingly interact with my two children, Jonas and Alea. It is such an honor to sponsor these young men who are so talented, skilled, hard-working, others-focused, giving, loving, kind, courteous, polite and humble (I know that list is really repetative, but I can’t help gushing!) We are so impressed with how New Hope is raising their boys to become Godly leaders, loving husbands, caring fathers, and contributing community members.