NHU Family Reunion Day Four

2013 NHU Family Reunion.

2013 NHU Family Reunion.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The only way to the Father is through the cross of Christ.

The only way to the Father is through the cross of Christ.

The stage was set for the last day of the reunion. In front of the open air church, 1000 chairs were arranged in a circle, and as soon as the musicians started to worship God, more and more

people joined in cheering, dancing, and singing. Soon, every seat was filled and we really understood why it’s called a family reunion.

What is a family? There is no difference between a biological family and the New Hope family, if they are built on the foundation of God’s love. Building next to that foundation would mean to

The most intimate moment of the reunion.  Hundreds of sons and daughters received a father's blessing by Uncle Jay, Aunt Vicki and other Fathers and Mothers - a perfect way to end the weekend.

The most intimate moment of the reunion. Hundreds of sons and daughters received a father’s blessing by Uncle Jay, Aunt Vicki and other Fathers and Mothers – a perfect way to end the weekend.

feel the sense of family. Every single person is part of the building and because the foundation is the most solid one there is, the building is not going to collapse. What is adoption?

What happens with those who don’t have a biological family? Do they not have a chance of being a part of the building? God says, they do. Adoption is an option for God’s love. Adoption creates new families and a more solid building. This message made people go home feeling more a part of the family then ever before and understanding what it means to be a family in Christ.

The most challenging part of the weekend was leaving. How do you properly say good-bye to family? The only way is with a heart that knows they will see each other again, either on this earth, or some day with our heavenly Father. That promise, along with the promise of a love that transcends distance, is the comforting way the family dispersed after a beautiful weekend.

By Esther Schirrmacher