Begin Again: Term 1 Opens

Hello from sunny, dusty, hot Kasana Children’s Centre!


Monday saw the children returning to school from the extended holidays over December and January. Teachers, headmasters, students, parents, and others joined together for the opening assemblies at each school. Staff took the this opportunity to dedicate the year and the children to the Lord. The primary school headmaster welcomed and prayed over each new student starting their journey with New Hope Uganda.


The first day of school follows a national calendar so our children and staff at Kobwin Children’s Centre are also back at school today. For some students, including all of those past the Primary 7 level, this means a walk along the perimeter of the site property to the local secondary school.


The 2015 class of Investment Year students ventured to Kampala for their second week of training in character, knowledge, and skills as they prepare to begin the first round of internships.

Underway for a little under a month, the New Hope Institute of Childcare and Family is underway with a large class including students from Uganda, India, the United States, and England.


The Treasures in Jars of Clay (special needs) class also resumed this Monday. We are thankful for the new student, too!

Please join us in prayer:

– With the influx of students, return of all our staff, and the middle of dry season (no rain since Christmas), our borehole is unable to handle the increased users. We have been unable to provide drinking water for our students at both the secondary and primary schools. Please be praying for creative solutions to handle the water supply issue in the short term, and for the rains to return – soon!

– For the Hearts and Minds of students in the different schools and courses to have personal encounters with Jesus – the Truth.