Thanksgiving Celebration

Thanksgiving marching!

Every moment is a moment to be thankful, but once a year, we are reminded of the blessings that surround us and celebrate the goodness of the Lord. No, we did not baste a turkey or mixup the months on the calendar. For this kind of Thanksgiving, the traditions are to walk around the compound with your family (I am a member of the Ebenezer family) waving flags or palm branches, followed by a church service that was filled with more excitement than I could describe. We sang in 15 different tribal languages from across Uganda, dancing and jumping, clapping and shouting. It really was a joyous event!

During the service, then, we had the chance to walk around the compound and actually see what everyone was thankful for this year. Each family and department constructed a booth, as an example of Leviticus 23 during the festival of booths. Some people, like me, are visual and to physically see a hut made out of branches and banana leaves that houses the thing we are thankful for brings life to testimonies. As for the Guesthouse/Teams staff, we placed under our booth the photo album of the teams and visitors that have come to be part of the New Hope family in the last few years. We are thankful for their time offered to be here, their skills and talents they share, but most importantly their love and support to create a worldwide family.

Even if its not the end of November, take some time to search your heart. What are you thankful for? Thank God for how He has blessed you and for His grace in your life.

-Mallari Page, Assistant Teams Coordinator