NHU Family Reunion Day Three

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Beginning of the bicycle race.

Beginning of the bicycle race.

Big smiles, surprised faces, touching words, friends and family reunited, along with a water fight have characterized this Saturday the third day of the family reunion at NHU.

The daily devotions in the New Hope open air church have not only structured our days, but also our thoughts. This morning, Uncle Jay talked about the past time in which NHU was able to grow to what it is now after 25 years: A place to bring hope to those who need it most. A place to bring the Fatherhood of God to the fatherless (Psalm 68). A place to unite people and families

Water Fight!

Water Fight!

in Christ. A place that everybody likes to call their home.

“Welcome home” another phrase you heard very often this day. Not only the older daughters and sons, but also visitors feel welcomed. But, Uncle Jay also reminded us to plan for the future. It’s good to look back and see how God has raised His children to faithful men and women, but it’s also necessary for the younger generation to prepare themselves for a time when the present leaders of NHU will no longer run the organization, but the younger generation will. It’s important for them to take the necessary steps to take responsibility and organize for the coming time.

For me, the most moving moment was when Auntie Vickie told us that no matter how many sins are in our hearts, no matter how big and unsolvable the mess in our life seems, God already fixed it because He died for that exact mess. We love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19), and with that knowledge our heart can be full of joy.

By Esther Schirrmacher