
This week marks the end of the first term break. The schools were quiet and all the students were relieved to have the first term exams finished. Some spent their free time looking for jobs to earn money; some continued studying for next term. In David family, the Ludo board (a board game very similar to parcheesi) was out almost constantly, and in other families the boys were preparing for the upcoming football (soccer) tournament.

David family girls playing Ludo

David family girls playing Ludo

Since plowing takes a long time, much of it is done during the holidays.

Since plowing takes a long time, much of it is done during the holidays.

Many spent the break doing minimal work and allowing their brains to rest from the hectic school schedule. Others, such as staff members, continued working. For one of the teachers at Secondary, the break consisted of preparing the entire next term’s lessons, as I’m sure was the case for most primary and secondary teachers. Some staff members went back to school for the holiday, as there are different courses that run on the break schedules.


For thirty people, one of the weeks of break held the National Basketball Tournaments in Mbarara. That was a significant time of family and growth for them. This week, David family is taking a trip down to Musana Camps to enjoy the scenery and each other as they spend time swimming, hiking, and having water fights!


Now, all eyes are turned toward the next term since it’s right around the corner. Students are looking forward to being back in school, to study and be with friends they haven’t seen for a month. IYs are preparing themselves for a couple of months in a new placement, and teachers are steeling themselves for the bustle of the next school term.


When school books are put away, the guitar comes out!

When school books are put away, the guitar comes out to play!

Please pray as we head into this next term for children’s hearts to be turned to their Father, whether they are in Primary, Secondary, or IY; and pray for the New Hope Staff, that they may be righteous and loving examples of Him!


By Kara Peterson, Investment Year Student